Hi! I’m your admissions counselor, Taylor. Here’s a little bit about me and what I enjoy most about UNH.  I look forward to working with you!

Where is your favorite place on campus?

The Scott Hall Patio! It looks out on to the Fishbowl and it makes the perfect place to read.

What’s your favorite thing to eat on campus?

This is a tough one, but if I had to choose one specific dish it would have to be the Pesto Tortellini.

Favorite memory at UNH?

-Going to my first UNH Hockey game! Learning all the cheers in while being in the student section was a really cool introduction to student life here on campus.

What makes UNH so special?

I think just how nice everyone is. Like everyone holds doors for each other and campus has a really supportive atmosphere. I’ll also add that our location is pretty unbeatable.

What’s your favorite UNH tradition?

Pancake night during finals!

Where did you grow up?

Attleboro, MA. Think more of Providence, RI, than Boston.

What college did you attend/degree earned?

I am a UNH Alumni with a bachelor's degree in Anthropology.


I have an extended network of friends who have become my family! (Plus, their pets have become like mine too, think cool Aunt)

Do you have any hidden talents?

I can do a great Stitch impression.

Any fun facts about yourself?

I can shred on a RipStik

What’s the coolest thing you’ve ever done in your life?

-So far, it’s being the first person in my family to go to college and earn my degree. I’m a first generation student from a low income family, so I’m really proud of myself!