Hi! I’m your admissions counselor, Kat. Here’s a little bit about me and what I enjoy most about UNH.  I look forward to working with you!

Where is your favorite place on campus?

The Memorial Union Building

What’s your favorite thing to eat on campus?

The froyo! Or really anything at the dessert station in HoCo

Favorite memory at UNH?

My favorite memory at UNH was my very first tour of campus. Getting to see students around campus showed me what a great community we have here.

What makes UNH so special?

UNH offers such a variety of real-world, hands-on experiences to its students that prepares them for a successful future full of opportunities!

What’s your favorite UNH tradition?

Pat the Cat

Where did you grow up?

Bethlehem, PA

What college did you attend/degree earned?

Dickinson College, B.A. English B.A. French & Francophone Studies Penn State University, M.Ed. Higher Education


Samson and Tony (bulldogs) & Gertrude and Eugene (snakes)

Do you have any hidden talents?

I know all the words to Ice Ice Baby and I can write with my feet!

Any fun facts about yourself?

I was president of my college improv troupe and I’m an award-winning competitive storyteller!

What’s the coolest thing you’ve ever done in your life?

When I was three years old, I got to fly on a private jet with a former U.S. Secretary of Transportation and watched Pocahontas.